are radishes low carb

Vegetables are an important aspect of not only a healthy diet but also a low-carb diet. Although, the trick is to know which veggies make it on the do eat and which ones don’t. Different veggies have different carb counts which explains why some are keto while others are not.

On healthy low carb diets like the ketogenic diet, there’s a basic rule of thumb when it comes to choosing which ones to eat. Above the ground, veggies are considered low carb while root vegetables are not. This doesn’t apply to every vegetable. Legumes are above-the-ground varieties but are not considered keto.

So, today we will find out if this rule applies to the root vegetable, radish. Are radishes low carb? You should expect to find the nutritional facts of radishes, common types of radishes, and which ones count as low carb. I will also throw in a few low-carb radish recipes to add to your carb-conscious diet.

Are Radishes Low Carb?

To know whether radishes count as non-starchy vegetables, we will need to look at their nutritional information. According to the USDA, one cup of sliced raw radish contains:

  • Energy: 18.6 kcals
  • Total carbs: 3.94 grams of carbs
  • Dietary fiber: 1.86 grams of fiber
  • Net carbs: 2.08 grams of carbs
  • Protein: 0.789 grams of protein
  • Fat: 0.116 grams of fat

From this information, are radishes low carb? Let’s check the carb count of radishes made with different cooking methods.

A cup serving of pickled radishes contains 5.2 grams total carbs, 2.2 grams dietary fiber, and 3 grams net carbs. A similar serving of boiled radishes will provide you with 5.04 grams total carbs, 2.35 grams dietary fiber and 2.69 grams net carbs. 

This means that whether you have raw radishes or cooked radishes, the carb content is still low. Does this apply to all types of the root vegetable?

Are Radish Carbs Keto?

We’ve seen the nutritional facts of raw and cooked radishes, but let’s get a bit specific. Radishes come in several varieties, and we’d love to know whether all of them are low-carb or not. 

Are Radishes Keto?

are red radishes keto friendly

Here we will discuss the different kinds of this nutritious vegetable and how many carbs they each contain.

Types of Radishes

  • Red radishes: This is probably the type of radish you are most familiar with. They are also referred to as round or Easter egg radishes. Their distinctive peppery flavor and crisp texture make them the perfect pair for roasted veggies. In a 100-gram serving of red radish, you will get 3.53 grams total carbs, 1.2 grams fiber, and 2.33 grams net carbs.
  • Daikon Radish: Larger than red radishes, these are sweet. They have white flesh. These can be eaten as raw radish or be used to garnish salads. A cup serving of cooked Daikon radish will provide you with 5.12 grams total carbs, 2.32 grams fiber, and 2.8 grams net carbs.
  • Watermelon radish: If you have come across a veggie that looks like your typical watermelon fruit but with white or green flesh, this kind is the culprit. It has a milder flavor than the other varieties.
  • French breakfast: It is characterized by an oblong, reddish-pink bulb. Similar to Daikon, it has a sweet flavor. This type is eaten raw and seasoned with fresh herbs, sea salt, and black pepper. Some roasted radishes you have eaten are of this variety. It particularly stands out from the other varieties of radishes because it’s an excellent source of vitamin C.
  • Round Black radishes: As the name suggests, these are characterized by coal-colored skin and a pungent, bold flavor. Because of their taste, these are best thinly sliced and baked to make radish chips. Black radishes are used for medicinal purposes thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties.

Is White Radish Keto-Friendly?

are radishes high in carbs

The Daikon radish is also referred to as white, Japanese, Chinese, or winter radish. In 100 grams of cooked Daikon radish, you will get 3.3 grams of carbohydrates, 1.5 grams of fiber, and 1.8 grams of carbs (net). You can enjoy this veggie as part of your keto diet.

Are radishes low carb? It doesn’t matter the type you go for, carbs in radishes are low. These can fit into a diet with 20-50 grams of carbs daily carb allowance.

Carbs in Radishes Vs Potatoes

Looking for the perfect alternative to potatoes on a low carbs diet? Radishes are a good substitute for potatoes. Whether you want to make roasted potatoes, baked potatoes, or loaded potatoes, radishes are up to the task. High-carb potatoes do not fit into the low-carb lifestyle. 

Let’s look at the carbs in some potatoes to make you understand why you need to switch to radishes for potatoes.

One medium-sized baked white potato contains 36.5 grams of total carbs, 3.63 grams of fiber, and 32.87 grams of net carbs. One medium-sized baked sweet potato provides you with 30.9 grams of total carbs, 4.95 grams of fiber, and 25.95 grams net carbs.

I have to come clean and say there’s no such thing as a low-carb potato. If you are trying to keep your carb intake low, it is best to avoid potatoes altogether. The good thing is the radish taste can is similar to potatoes and can take care of potato cravings. Cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower can also replace potatoes in some recipes. The low-carb vegetable cauliflower is a good fit for mashed potato recipes.

Keto Radish Recipes

are radishes good for keto

Are radishes low carb? Yes! And they are a low-calorie food as well which makes them perfect for weight loss! However, they are low in gram protein and fats, so the ingredients you use to make radishes should be high in fat and moderate in protein. This way your meal will fit perfectly into the ketogenic diet.

Loaded Radishes Recipe

Get your fresh radishes and other high-fat ingredients for a burst of flavor! This works as the perfect keto side dish. The good thing is the high fiber content of radishes ensures you feel full quicker meaning you will eat less. Isn’t this just perfect for healthy weight loss?

How do you prepare this low carb side dish?


  • 1 medium radish
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheese of choice
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 green onions
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 2 tbsp. chopped parsley


  1. Wash, trim, and chop your radishes.
  2. On a medium skillet, add butter and heat.
  3. Add your radishes and toss until golden brown. This should take about 15-20 minutes.
  4. Pour in your seasoning.
  5. Sprinkle grated cheese and parsley over your radishes until everything is covered.
  6. Bake in an oven for 2-5 minutes or until the cheese melts.
  7. Serve with sour cream.

This tasty side dish will have you asking, potatoes who. A quick tip is to chop your radishes to smaller sizes, so they have a short cooking time.

Low Carb Creamy Radish Cauliflower Potato Salad

We all agree that radish is a 100% keto-friendly root vegetable. Most people worry that it would make for a boring salad vegetable. But it doesn’t have to! This will use radishes for potatoes for a satisfying and tasty side dish.

Let’s make our perfect side dish, shall we?


  • 1 pound radishes, cut into thin slices
  • Half head cauliflower
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and sliced
  • 1/2 cup red onions, chopped
  • 1/2 cup homemade mayonnaise
  • 2 celery stalks, diced
  • 2 tbsp chopped dill
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • Himalayan pink salt and cayenne pepper to taste


  1. Heat water in a large pot, and once boiled blanch your cauliflowers for 3 minutes.
  2. Drain and wash with cold water to stop cooking.
  3. In the same pot, bring water to a boil and pour in your radishes. Boil for 10 minutes or until fork tender to your liking.
  4. Turn off the heat, drain, and set aside.
  5. Mix your mayonnaise, dill, and lemon juice in a large bowl.
  6. Add in your cauliflower, radishes, onion, eggs, and celery, and toss to combine.
  7. Season to taste.
  8. Refrigerate. Serve when cool.

Don’t store it in the fridge for too long since it is best enjoyed fresh!

Keto Roasted Radishes

Roasting radishes has to be as easy as roasting potatoes! These work best as a substitute for your roasted breakfast potatoes.


  • 1 pound radishes
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons fresh garlic, minced
  • Sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese, grated


  • Wash, trim, and slice your radishes in quarters.
  • Toss in olive oil and minced garlic.
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line the baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Place radishes on the baking dish. Ensure they are not touching.
  • Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle seasoning to taste.
  • Roast for 45-60 minutes.
  • Sprinkle parmesan cheese and roast for another 5 minutes.
  • Serve while hot.

Are Radishes Better Raw or Cooked?

are radishes ok for keto

This nutritious vegetable can be good for you whether raw, cooked, or pickled. In comparison, raw radishes are slightly lower in calories and carbs. They also have a higher protein content, but less fat compared to cooked variety.

Raw radishes have a higher amount of vitamins and minerals but cooking them increases the bioavailability of these micronutrients. Although, cooking radishes results in the loss of water-soluble vitamins through leaching. I would recommend incorporating both raw and cooked radishes for maximum benefits.

Here are the benefits of eating radishes, whether raw or cooked!

Why Are Radishes Good for You?

Benefits of radishes include:

Good for Digestive Health

Radishes are an excellent source of fiber. The non-digestible carbs, fiber is a prebiotic that promotes diversity and concentration of probiotics in your gut.

Insoluble fiber helps move stool through your intestine preventing constipation.

Anti-carcinogenic Properties

Studies have shown that radishes contain some anti-carcinogenic compounds that can help prevent some types of cancers like esophageal cancer. Sulforaphane is a bioactive compound proven to reduce esophageal cancer cell metastasis.

Can Promote Heart Health

Soluble fiber helps improve lipid profile. They bind with fatty acids to reduce the levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL cholesterol levels). This lowers your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Strengthen Immunity

Radishes are a significant source of vitamin C which plays an important role in boosting your defenses against diseases.

Why Can’t You Eat Radish and Cucumber Together?

One of the foods you should avoid combining with your radishes is cucumber. Although cucumbers are keto-friendly they shouldn’t be incorporated in dishes with this vegetable. This is because cucumbers contain the compound ascorbinase which prevents the absorption of vitamin C.

Ascorbinase breaks down vitamin C in radishes reducing its bioavailability to the body. You may enjoy the combination of salty and fizzy flavors from the two, but it won’t do you much good nutritionally.

In Summary

Are radishes low carb? Yes, all types of radishes are keto-friendly. Potato lovers can use this veggie as a perfect substitute in recipes. You can get numerous benefits from eating radishes including stronger immunity and better gut function. Whether to eat them raw or cooked is really up to you and your preferences. Remember not to combine them with cucumbers!

Do you prefer cooked or uncooked radishes?

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